Журнал «Судебная медицина» успешно прошел экспертизу в Scopus и был одобрен для индексации с 2021 года.

Экспертный совет по отбору журналов (Content Selection & Advisory Board, CSAB) завершил оценку журнала «Судебная медицина» и принял решение о включении его в Scopus. Индексация журнала в базе Scopus начнется с середины 2021 года, в индексацию будут включены все статьи, опубликованные в журнале с начала 2021 года. Ожидается так же, что в Scopus до конца 2021 года войдут статьи полного архива журнала с начала его издания. 

Журнал  «Судебная медицина» включен в базу данных RSCI.

Рабочая группа по оценке качества и отбору журналов приняла решение о включении журнала "Судебная медицина" в Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). Пресс-релиз от 23 июня 2022 года.


Сейчас 9 гостей онлайн


Dear colleagues!

It is our pleasure to invite you to the Moscow International Congress & Scientific and Practical School “The topical issues of forensic medicine and expert practice – 2018”, “The first Kryukov’s readings”, School for young scientist, Forum for Forensic medical medium-level medical staff, The 5th Congress of the Association of forensic experts meeting to be held in Moscow from April 18th to 20th, 2018.

Organizers of the Сongress:

Ministry of Health of Moscow Region, Federal Government Funded Healthcare Institution of Moscow Region, “Bureau of Forensic Medical Expertise”, Federal Government Funded Healthcare Institution of Moscow Region, “Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute” (MONIKI), Federal Government Funded Educational Institution “I. M. Sechenov, First Moscow State Medical University”, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow State Medical and Dental University named by A. I. Evdokimov, Altai State Medical University, National medical house, Association of forensic experts.

The main issues of the scientific program of the Congress:

Modern issues of thanatology and microscopic diagnosis.

Expertise of the defects in medical care according to the case documents.

Expert and enforcement practice of injury.

Forensic toxicology.

Medical and criminalistic identification of a person and an injury weapon.

Modern technologies for the evidence research.

Continued medical education for the forensic experts.

Effective management of the state forensic institution.

Scientific provision of forensic activities.

Specific character of activities of nurses from the Bureau of Forensic Medical Expertise.

The location: Federal Government Funded Healthcare Institution of Moscow Region “Moscow Regional Research  and Clinical Institute” (MONIKI), 129110, Moscow, Shchepkina st., 61/2, buildings 1, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15.

The registration of the participants will be possible till April 02, 2018 on the official website of the Association of forensic experts: asme.nichost.ru.

Acceptance of abstracts (oral and poster) for publication in the journal “Forensic medicine” operating until March, 2018.

President of Association of forensic medical experts, prof. V. A. Klevno

Contact information: Romanko Natal’ya Alexandrovna — deputy of the head of the expert department,

129110, Moscow, Shchepkina st., 61/2, building 14; e-mail: romanko@sudmedmo.ru; info@sudmedmo.ru;

+7 (495) 688–88–53; +7 (916) 608–45–19.

Скачать файл (THE_INVITATION_EN.pdf)THE_INVITATION_EN.pdf[THE INVITATION to the International Congress & Scientific and Practical School]